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sqlalchemy_imageattach.entity — Image entities

This module provides a short way to attach resizable images to other object-relationally mapped entity classes.

For example, imagine there’s a fictional entity named User and it has its picture and front_cover. So there should be two image entities that subclass Image mixin:

class UserPicture(Base, Image):
    '''User's profile picture.'''

    user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)
    user = relationship('User')

    __tablename__ = 'user_picture'

You have to also inherit your own declarative_base() class (Base in the example).

Assume there’s also UserFrontCover in the same way.

Note that the class can override object_id property. Backend storages utilize this to identify images e.g. filename, S3 key. If the primary key of the image entity is integer, object_id automatically uses the primary key value by default, but it can be overridden if needed, and must be implemented if the primary key is not integer or composite key.

There’s also object_type property. Image provides the default value for it as well. It uses the class name (underscores will be replaced by hyphens) by default, but you can override it.

These Image subclasses can be related to the their ‘parent’ entity using image_attachment() function. It’s a specialized version of SQLAlchemy’s built-in relationship() function, so you can pass the same options as relationship() takes:

class User(Base):
    '''Users have their profile picture and front cover.'''

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    picture = image_attachment('UserPicture')
    front_cover = image_attachment('UserFrontCover')

    __tablename__ = 'user'

It’s done, you can store the actual image files using ImageSet.from_file() or ImageSet.from_blob() method:

with store_context(store):
    user = User()
    with open('picture.jpg', 'rb') as f:
    with open('front_cover.jpg', 'rb') as f:
    with session.begin():

Or you can resize the image to make thumbnails using ImageSet.generate_thumbnail() method:

with store_context(store):
sqlalchemy_imageattach.entity.VECTOR_TYPES = frozenset(['application/pdf', 'image/svg+xml'])

(collections.Set) The set of vector image types.

class sqlalchemy_imageattach.entity.Image

The image of the particular size.

Note that it implements __html__() method, a de facto standard special method for HTML templating. So you can simply use it in HTML templates like:

{{ user.profile.find_thumbnail(120) }}

The above template is equivalent to:

{% with thumbnail = user.profile.find_thumbnail(120) %}
    <img src="{{ thumbnail.locate() }}"
         width="{{ thumbnail.width }}"
         height="{{ thumbnail.height }}">
{% endwith %}

(basestring) The identifier string of the image type. It uses __tablename__ (which replaces underscores with hyphens) by default, but can be overridden.

created_at = Column('created_at', DateTime(timezone=True), table=None, nullable=False, default=ColumnDefault(< at 0x7f7039789b50; now>))

(datetime.datetime) The created time.

height = Column('height', Integer(), table=None, primary_key=True, nullable=False)

(numbers.Integral) The image’s height.”“”

classmethod identity_attributes()

A list of the names of primary key fields.

Returns:A list of the names of primary key fields
Return type:collections.Sequence

New in version 1.0.0.


(collections.Mapping) A dictionary of the values of primary key fields with their names.

New in version 1.0.0.


Gets the URL of the image from the store.

Parameters:store (Store) – the storage which contains the image. current_store by default
Returns:the url of the image
Return type:basestring

Gets the byte string of the image from the store.

Parameters:store (Store) – the storage which contains the image. current_store by default
Returns:the binary data of the image
Return type:str
mimetype = Column('mimetype', String(length=255), table=None, nullable=False)

(basestring) The mimetype of the image e.g. 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'.


(numbers.Integral) The identifier number of the image. It uses the primary key if it’s integer, but can be overridden, and must be implemented when the primary key is not integer or composite key.

open_file(store=sqlalchemy_imageattach.context.current_store, use_seek=False)

Opens the file-like object which is a context manager (that means it can used for with statement).

If use_seek is True (though False by default) it guarentees the returned file-like object is also seekable (provides seek() method).

Parameters:store (Store) – the storage which contains image files. current_store by default
Returns:the file-like object of the image, which is a context manager (plus, also seekable only if use_seek is True)
Return type:file, FileProxy, file-like object
original = Column('original', Boolean(), table=None, nullable=False, default=ColumnDefault(False))

(bool) Whether it is original or resized.


(tuple) The same to the pair of (width, height).

width = Column('width', Integer(), table=None, primary_key=True, nullable=False)

(numbers.Integral) The image’s width.


Alias of SingleImageSet.

Deprecated since version Use: SingleImageSet to distinguish from MultipleImageSet.

Changed in version 1.0.0: Renamed to SingleImageSet, and this remains only for backward compatibility. It will be completely removed in the future.

alias of SingleImageSet

class sqlalchemy_imageattach.entity.ImageSubset(_query, **identity_map)

Image set which is contained by MultipleImageSet.

It contains one canonical original image and its thumbnails, as it’s also a subtype of BaseImageSet like SingleImageSet.

New in version 1.0.0.

class sqlalchemy_imageattach.entity.MultipleImageSet(entities, session=None)

Used for image_attachment() is congirued with uselist=True option.

Like SingleImageSet, it is a subtype of BaseImageQuery. It can be filtered using filter() method or sorted using order() method.

Unlike SingleImageSet, it is not a subtype of BaseImageSet, as it can contain multiple image sets. That means, it’s not image set, but set of image sets. Its elements are ImageSubset objects, that are image sets.

New in version 1.0.0.


Choose a single image set to deal with. It takes criteria through keyword arguments. The given criteria doesn’t have to be satisfied by any already attached images. Null image sets returned by such criteria can be used for attaching a new image set.

Parameters:**pk – keyword arguments of extra discriminating primary key column names to its values
Returns:a single image set
Return type:ImageSubset

(collections.Iterable) The set of attached image sets.

class sqlalchemy_imageattach.entity.SingleImageSet(entities, session=None)

Used for image_attachment() is congirued uselist=False option (which is default).

It contains one canonical original image and its thumbnails, as it’s a subtype of BaseImageSet.

New in version 1.0.0: Renamed from ImageSet.

sqlalchemy_imageattach.entity.image_attachment(*args, **kwargs)

The helper function, decorates raw relationship() function, sepcialized for relationships between Image subtypes.

It takes the same parameters as relationship().

If uselist is True, it becomes possible to attach multiple image sets. In order to attach multiple image sets, image entity types must have extra discriminating primary key columns to group each image set.

If uselist is False (which is default), it becomes possible to attach only a single image.

  • *args – the same arguments as relationship()
  • **kwargs – the same keyword arguments as relationship()

the relationship property

Return type:

New in version 1.0.0: The uselist parameter.