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Multiple Image Sets

New in version 1.0.0.

In the previous example, each User can have only a single image set of UserPicture. Although each User has multiple sizes of UserPicture objects, these UserPicture must be all the same look except of their width/height.

So, what if we need to attach multiple image sets? Imagine there are Post objects, and each Post can have zero or more attached pictures that have different looks each other. (Think of tweets containing multiple images, or Facebook posts containing multiple photos.) In these case, you don’t need only an image set, but a set of image sets. One more dimension should be there.

Fortunately, image_attachement() provides uselist=True option. It configures the relationship to contain multiple image sets. For example:

class Post(Base):
    """Post containing zero or more photos."""

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    content = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False)
    photos = image_attachment('PostPhoto', uselist=True)
    __tablename__ = 'post'

class PostPhoto(Base, Image):
    """Photo contained by post."""

    post_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True)
    post = relationship(Post)
    order_index = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)  # least is first
    __tablename__ = 'post_photo'

In the above example, we should pay attention to two things:

  • uselist=True option of image_attachment()
  • PostPhoto.order_index column which is a part of primary key columns.

As previously stated, uselist=True option configures the relationship to return a set of image sets, rather than an image set.

The subtle thing is PostPhoto.order_index column. If the relationship is configured with userlist=True, the image entity must have extra discriminating primary key columns to group each image set.

Object identifier

If the image type need to override object_id (see also Object identifier), the returning object identifier also must be possible discriminated in the same way e.g.:

def object_id(self):
    key = '{0},{1}'.format(, self.order_index)
    return int(hashlib.sha1(key).hexdigest(), 16)

Choosing image set to deal with

Because uselist=True option adds one more dimension, you need to choose an image set to deal with before attaching or getting. The get_image_set() method is for that:

post = session.query(Post).get(post_id)
first_photo =
original_image_url = first_photo.locate()
thumbnail_url = first_photo.find_thumbnail(width=300).locate()

Note that the method can take criteria unsatisfied by already attached images. Null image sets returned by such criteria can be used for attaching a new image set:

new_photo =
with open(new_image_path, 'rb') as f:
    # order_index column of the created image set becomes set to 9.

Need to enumerate all attached image sets? Use image_sets property:

def thumbnail_urls():
    for image_set in
        yield image_set.find_thumbnail(width=300).locate()